Do I need a visa to start your business?

Do I need a visa to start your business? The answer to this question generally can be divided into three parts: German or EU/EFTA citizens Third countries without a visa requirement Third countries with a visa requirement German or EU/EFTA citizens If you have a German or EU/EFTA citizenship you’re lucky. You have full […]
Porter’s 5 Forces

Porter’s 5 Forces What is it about? After coming up with a business idea, filling out the business model canvas and developing the company’s mission, there is still a missing piece which needs to be adressed to sustain long-term business success: you must reflect upon and strategically respond to your competition. Naturally, one thinks of […]
Business Model Canvas

Business Model Canvas The Business Model Canvas (BMC) was developed in 2008 by Alexander Osterwalder and his Co-Author Yves Pigneur in their book Business Model Generation. Soon it started to gain more and more popularity due to its ability to summarize the most complex ideas and make them easily accessible. Thus, it is nowhere near […]
3 Questions to Business Success

3 Questions to Success The start of every great company is an idea. Apple’s first computer was created because Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak wanted to become independent of the big data center at their university, Nike emerged because its founder Phil Knight wasn’t satisfied with the running shoes on the market and Tesla wants […]
Business Taxes in Germany

Business Taxes in Germany Income tax (Einkommenssteuer), trade tax (Gewerbesteuer), input tax and sales tax (Vor- und Umsatzsteuer) – as a start-up you have to deal with numerous types of tax. Which taxes are relevant for you depends on the legal form you choose. Generally it can differentiated between 3 categories: Taxes for partnerships Taxes […]
Aung Ko Htet (Food & eCommerce)

Aung Ko Htet – My name is Aung Ko Htet. I’m from Myanmar. I’m currently living in Munich, Germany. The reason why I left Myanmar I would like to build the business and grab the opportunity in every possible way. I worked as a digital marketing manager in Myanmar. I believe I can utilize all […]
Jonathan (Food & Gastronomy)

Jonathan Benney – Who are you and what has brought you to Germany? My name is Jonathan Benney and I was born in Zimbabwe, a country in Africa. I left Zimbabwe way back when in about 2002 to England where, at first, I only planned to spend a few years travelling and working. Unfortunately, the […]
Piotr (Technology & Innovation)

Piotr Poleszczuk – Who are you? My name is Piotr, I am 44 years old and I come from Poland. I moved to Germany in March 2020 with my wife and two young sons. My major professional experience is related to the HR / IT industry, but after many years of working in large international […]
Natalia (Textile & Fashion)

Natalia Quintero Ballesteros – Hola! My name is Natalia Quintero B. I am a fashion designer from Bogotá, Colombia and I’ve been living for 8 years already in Germany. My first experience as an Entrepreneur was in Colombia, where I found an underwear brand. Since it was difficult to find a long-term job in Germany, […]
Zarif (Spices & Culture)

Zarif Omid – My name is Zarif and my profession is agribusiness and marketing. I studied my master’s degree at Corvinus University of Budapest in Hungary. In 2012 on a student tour in Germany I met my today wife. The relationship developed further and finally in 2014 I moved to Germany and we got married […]